Whole Grain

  • No Trans Fats
  • Low fat
  • Non-GMO

Ryvita Snackbread has a unique airy & crispy texture that melts in the mouth. Perfect for any type of topping. Top with something savoury or sweet, or simply munch on them straight from the box.

Ingredients & Nutritional Information

Ingredients: Whole grain wheat flour, Beet sugar, Skimmed milk powder, Canola oil, Salt.

Contains: Milk, Wheat.

May contain: Rye, Soy.

Ingredients: Farine de blé à grains entiers, Sucre de betterave, Lait écrémé en poudre, Huile de canola, Sel.

Contient: Lait, Blé.

Peut contenir: Seigle, Soja.

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